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인도 심전도 기기 시장동향(2013.12)
  • 상품DB
  • 인도
  • 뉴델리무역관 오새봄
  • 2015-11-09
  • 출처 : KOTRA


작성일자: 2013.12.6

작성자: 뉴델리 무역관 Ms. Jaya Nayar (jaya@ktcdelhi.net)



1. 시장현황


□ ECG Equipment Market in India


 ○ The ECG electrode market is very fragmented and there is no published information on the same owing to a very small and disposable product.


 ○ However we are mentioning herewith for the company’s reference, the ECG Equipment market in India:

  - In 2012, the ECG equipment market is estimated at Rs. 138.05 crore (US$ 23 Million) with sales of 37,702 units.

  - Continuing with the trend, in quantity terms, single-channel ECG machines dominated with sales of 24,000 units valued at Rs. 40 crore (US$ 6.7 Million). Basic models, retailing in the vicinity of Rs. 12,000, constituted 70 percent of the market, and the balance retailed at a unit price of Rs. 25,000. However, with the presence of several advanced technologies in the market, the customers are gradually upgrading from single-channel to 3-channel ECG equipment. BPL and Nasan dominated the single-channel segment.

  - Dominated by Schiller, GE, and BPL, the 3-channel ECG equipment is the fastest growing segment, with sales of 7102 units valued at Rs. 24.85 crore (US$ 4.15 Million) in 2012. With sales of 2100 units, the 6-channel segment is estimated at Rs. 14.7 crore (US$ 2.45 Million). BPL, GE, Schiller, Nasan, L&T, and Maestros are the major brands in this segment. The market is moving toward high-end extended analysis capabilities, which speed the flow of cardiology knowledge. The additional leads, beyond the traditional 12-leads, provide for extended interpretations and doctors can detect ECG coronary artery diseases by the use of multi-lead algorithms. Gender-specific interpretation and integrated pediatric analysis are now common. Preference is shifting toward advanced technologies like interpretation report system, A4-size ECG printouts, in-built memory, paper saving features, hand-held ECG system for ambulatory/mobile usage, transfer of ECG reports (GSM, Internet, SD card, USB, and Bluetooth), and ECG display as per channel requirement. Microprocessor-based ECG equipment has already overtaken the conventional systems owing to highly accurate results as well as diagnostic interpretation report provided by them. High-end ECG equipment, estimated at Rs. 58.5 crore (US$ 9.75 Million), is being preferred over its 6-channel counterpart. This segment is dominated by Philips, GE, and Schiller. Some other aggressive players include Spacelabs, Mortara, and BPL.




<저작권자 : ⓒ KOTRA & KOTRA 해외시장뉴스>

공공누리 제 4유형(출처표시, 상업적 이용금지, 변경금지) - 공공저작물 자유이용허락

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