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우크라이나, 국영기업 민영화통한 투자진출 유망
  • 투자진출
  • 우크라이나
  • 키이우무역관 슈퍼관리자
  • 2007-06-04
  • 출처 : KOTRA

우크라이나 국영기업 민영화를 통한 투자 진출 유망

- 2007년 매각 대상 559개사 발표 -


보고일자 : 2007.6.4.

김창식 키예프무역관

kotraiev@ gt.com.ua



□ 대규모 해외 자본 투자 진출


 Ο 우크라이나는 인구 4700만의 경제규모와 동서유럽의 교차로에 위치한 입지적인 이점 때문에 해외 투자진출에 매력이 있는 시장이지만 외국기업에 대한 인센티브도 미흡하고 고질적인 관료주의와 부정부패로 인해 외국기업의 진출이 어려운 상황임.


 Ο 그러나 독일·러시아·폴란드 등 인근국가에서는 까다로운 진입장벽을 극복하며 속속 우크라이나에 진출해 시장선점의 성과를 거두고 있음. 이들의 우크라이나 투자진출의 한 방편으로 우크라이나 국영기업의 민영화제도를 활용하고 있음. 2005년 10월 세계 30위 철강기업이고 우크라이나 최대의 철강회사인 Krivorozhal Steel Mill이 인도계 독일기업인 Mittal Steel에 48억 달러에 매각된 것이 대표적인 사례임.


 Ο 올 5월 우크라이나 경제부에서는 올해 하반기 매각대상기업 559개사의 명단과 매각지분율을 발표했음. 이 중에는 1/4 분기중 매각 지연된 통신업체 Ukrtelecom, 암모니아 생산기업인 Odessa Port Side Chemical Plant 등외에 우크라이나 최대 석탄 광산, 조선소, TV 조립공장, 인슐린·트랙터·무선통신장비·인쇄회로기판·자동차용 배터리 생산기업, 보험회사 등 한국 산업계에서 관심을 가질 만한 기업이 다수 포함돼 있음.


 Ο 기업의 매각방법은 구매참가기업 지정 후 국제경매방식임.


□ 2007년도 주요 매각대상기업 내역


Name of company

Stake to sell, Price

Company Description


38% (Balance price about 100 mln USD)

National Ukrainian telecommunication company which occupies about 95% of the market provides fixed, special communication and internet communication. Revenue in 2006 Jan-Sept was 1.15 billion USD.

Odessa Port Side Chemical Plant

99.52% (Balance pre-estimated value 0.3-0.5 mln USD)

One of chemical plants which produce ammonium and caramide. Valued due to comfortable location in Odessa Prot which gives opportunity to control all country’s ammonium shipment. Share of ammonium export -50%, carbamide 20%. Production volume for 9 month of 2006: 307 thousand tons of carbamide, 875 tons of ammonium.

OJSC Pavlogradvugillya

7.82% (Balance value 103 981.8 thousand UAH).

(92.11% was bought by 1 401 mln UAH)

Biggest Ukrainian coal mine which produces about 12 million tons of coal yearly and it is about 19% of Ukrainian overall volume of coal mined. Since June 2004 92.11% of shares of Pavlogradvugillya was indirectly bought by SCM (Rinat Akhmetov’s business group)

OJSC Foton

99.21% (Balance Value 66 328 thousand UAH)

Production of electronic devices. Mainly, Foton plant was assembling TV sets from imported parts for other brands.

CJSC Indar

70.7% (Balance Value 57 187 thousand UAH) 

National manufacturer of insulin and exports its products in CIS countries and covers almost all domestic market. Production capacity is 12 million doses and 2 million cartridges of insulin per year.

OJSC Dzhankoy Engineering Plant

99.99% (Balance Value 43 547 thousand UAH)

Production of equipment for tractors for agricultural industry. Recently plant in bad financial situation and does work.

OJSC Ukragromashinvest

50,08% (Balance Value 29 199 thousand UAH)

Leasing of equipment and machinery for agricultural business. Last several years company has no profit.

OJSC Ternopil-based Orion Radio Pkant

96.13% (Balance Value 24 885 thousand UAH)

Plant which is specialized in production of communication equipment, which is mostly used for military purpose. There were already for attempts for privatization of the plant but without successful result.

OJSC Leninska Kuznya

25.35% (Balance Value 20 407 thousand UAH)

Shipbuilding, machine building and metal processing plant which has long history since 1928. Export volume in 2005: 74 352 thousand UAH, production volume for 112 794 thousand UAH.

OJSC Etal Research and Production Amalgamation

100% (Balance Value 23 959 thousand UAH) 

Manufacturing of printed circuit boards, electronic parts and components. www.etal.ua Net profit in 2005 336 thousand UAH.


50% + 1 stock

(Balance Value 18 326 thousand UAH)

State company for sales of oil products such as patrol and diesels fuel. Sales volume in 2005 – 209.7 mln UAH, 2004 – 1 476 million UAH, 2003 – 1 400 million UAH.

OJSC Luhansk Accumulators Research and Production Firm

50% + 1 stock

(Balance Value 18 774 thousand UAH)

Manufacturer of batteries for cars, trucks, planes, ships and other purposes.

OJSC Pivdenny electric machine industry

75.01%(Balance Value 18 719 thousand UAH)

Production of parts and components for communication equipment. Number of employee 670. Recently worked not stable since no demand in its products.

NJSC Oranta

25%+1(Balance Value 23 959 thousand UAH)

National Insurance Agency Oranta founded in 1921 and is biggest insurance company in Ukraine. About 9 thousand employees, 633 offices. Assets are amounted in 32 mln USD. Gross profit in 2004: 25 mln USD.

Ukrpapirprom Holding

94.9%(Balance Value 9 693 thousand UAH)

Manufacturer of paper, pulp products and cardboards.

The comapanies profit in 2004 was more than 11 mln UAH since 2005 company has no profit.

OJSC Kherson cotton mill

25%+1(Balance Value 8 999 thousand UAH)

Cotton mill processes bout 10 tons of cotton daily. Production capacity about 100 tons daily. Biggest cotton mill in Ukraine but with old equipment.

OJSC Luhansknaftoproduckt

36.54%(Balance Value 6 641 thousand UAH)

Distribution and sales of oil products. Includes network of fuel stations – 86 stations.

OJSC Serp I Molot

63.59%(Balance Value 1 543 thousand UAH)

Plant founded in 1882, specialized in production and modernization of agricultural equipment, tractors, etc. Currently the plant is under bankruptcy procedure and not operating.

OJSC Chysti Metaly


(Balance Value 295 thousand


The company produced silicon solar panels, night vision equipment, aviation navigation and guidance

systems etc. Net profit in 2005 was 639 thousand UAH, net loss in 2006 498 thousand UAH.

OJSC Makiyivka steel mill

60.86%(Balance Value 215 532 thousand UAH)

Oldest steel mill in Ukraine since 1892 majored in production of cast iron: production volume of cast iron- 26 million tons per year, steel 34 mln tons, rolled steel 26.4 mln tons, plate steel 9.6 mln tons.

OJSC Poltavaoblenergo

25%+1 (Balance value of stake about 2,707thousand USD)

Regional electricity distributing companies.

OJSC Sumyoblenergo

25%+1(Balance value of stake about 2,170 thousand USD)

OJSC Chernigivoblenergo

25%+1(Balance value of stake about 1,479 thousand USD)

OJSC Prykarpattyaoblenergo

25,02%(Balance value of stake about 1,270 thousand USD)

OJSC Odesaoblenergo

25,01%(Balance value of stake about 2,554 thousand USD)

OJSC Lvivoblenergo

26,98%(Balance value of stake about 2,565 thousand USD)


□ 경매 참가 방법


 Ο 우크라이나 국유 재산 기금(SPF; The State Property Fund)에서 개별 기업에 대한 구제적인 정보를 요청해 입수하고 경매 참가 제안서를 제출한 다음, 선정된 대상자 만이 경매에 참가할 수 있음.

 - SPF

   · Address: 01133, Kiev, Kutuzuva Str., 18.9

   · Tel: 38 044) 200-33-33

   · Fax: 286-79-85

   · E-mail: marketing@spfu.gov.ua, http://www.spfu.gov.ua

   · Head of SPF(접촉 인사) : . Valetyna Petrivna Semenyuk


 Ο 이외에 우크라이나로 투자를 위한 일반 정보 입수에는 다음 기관을 이용 할 수 있음.

  - Center for Foreign Investment Promotion of Ukraine

  - 담당자 : Viktor Vskarshevsky, Deputy Director

  - 전화 : (38 044) 281 9533

  - e-mail : vskarshevsky@investukraine.org


□ 시사점, 기타 사항


 Ο 경매에 참가하기 위해는 우크라이나어로 된 제의서를 제출하는 등 절차를 밟아야 함. 그러나 매각 대상 기업중 일부는 생산 시설이 노후화된 곳도 있고 현재 가동되지 않는 경우도 있으며, 우크라이나의 경제 체제가 불안해 가격 형성이 부적정 할 수도 있으므로 우크라이나 현지인을 통해 상세한 조사 및 실사가 전제 돼야 함.



자료원 : 우크라이나 경제부 홈페이지 (2007.5.7.), INTERFAX (2007.5.4.)


<저작권자 : ⓒ KOTRA & KOTRA 해외시장뉴스>

공공누리 제 4유형(출처표시, 상업적 이용금지, 변경금지) - 공공저작물 자유이용허락

KOTRA의 저작물인 (우크라이나, 국영기업 민영화통한 투자진출 유망)의 경우 ‘공공누리 제4 유형: 출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지’ 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다. 다만, 사진, 이미지의 경우 제3자에게 저작권이 있으므로 사용할 수 없습니다.

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