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베트남 플라스틱 용기 시장동향(2014.8)
  • 상품DB
  • 베트남
  • 호치민무역관 김주선
  • 2016-03-24
  • 출처 : KOTRA


작성일자: 2014.8.29

작성자: 호치민 무역관 Mr. Hong Suk Kyoon(sukkhong@kotra.or.kr), Ms. Nguyen Thi Hien(kotra.sgn@gmail.com)





 ○ According to statistics of Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the Vietnam’s plastic sector currently has around 1,200 manufacturers, in which packing plastics holds the largest market share with 39%, construction plastic (21%), engineering plastic (19%) and household plastic (21%).


 ○ In the past, when the living standard is relatively low, consumers mainly use low quality and unbranded food containers of China. They are mainly sold in markets. However, in the last 5 years, the local household plastic sector has many changes. The cheap price and low quality of Chinese plastics have no longer preferred. Instead, high quality, good looking designs and natural friendly household plastic products are dominating the market.


 ○ Due to the great potential of the local market, many foreign and local manufacturers have been participating in the market. However, there are a few companies holding the large market share. Currently, plastics food containers in the market are supplied by Korean suppliers, Thailand and some of Vietnamese manufacturers. The Chinese goods are also consumed in markets and often in rural areas.


 ○ Korean manufacturers are dominating the market with the company number and brands. The most preferable plastic food container brand now is Lock and Lock. This company has directly penetrated the Vietnam market since 2007 with the purpose to set up factories in Vietnam to import to other countries. However, due to the high purchasing power of local market, Lock and Lock has focused on local market with high quality, safe and good designs products. Currently, Lock and Lock is the most preferable and most successful brand in the Vietnam’s plastic food container market. Besides Lock and Lock, there are a number of Korean manufacturers participating in this market with glass and plastic food containers. Some of popular names are Traseal, Incense, Bizone, Biokips Komax, etc. Their products are being more and more popular in the market.


 ○ Thailand food containers are also being popular in Vietnam. They are considered as better quality than Vietnamese products, but the price is acceptable. Superlock seems to be the most preferable of Thailand products in Vietnam.


 ○ Local manufacturers as Duy Tan, Dai Dong Tien, Tan Lap Thanh, etc. have worked in the household plastic for a long time; however, they did not focus on the plastic food containers. Due to joining the market late, along with weaknesses on technology, capital and long term strategy, most of local manufacturers are not much successful in the market. The quality and designs are not competitive however the price is high. They mainly dominate the low-end and middle-end segment.





□ Distribution Channel


 ○ The main distribution channel of plastic food containers are supermarkets, convenience stores and traditional markets.


 ○ Both imported and local produced products will be distributed for local dealers. These dealers will distributes for supermarkets, convenience stores and markets before going to the customers. For products which are produced in Vietnam, manufacturers will deliver for dealers. The main distribution channel is supermarkets.


 ○ These products will be also provided in online stores. Consumers are also familiar with purchasing from E-stores.


□ Retail Price


 ○ Below is information about popular plastic food containers in the market.


      Source: Vatgia.com



<저작권자 : ⓒ KOTRA & KOTRA 해외시장뉴스>

공공누리 제 4유형(출처표시, 상업적 이용금지, 변경금지) - 공공저작물 자유이용허락

KOTRA의 저작물인 (베트남 플라스틱 용기 시장동향(2014.8))의 경우 ‘공공누리 제4 유형: 출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지’ 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다. 다만, 사진, 이미지의 경우 제3자에게 저작권이 있으므로 사용할 수 없습니다.

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